The Diocesan Archives Department was officially opened in September 1993. An archivist is a person charged with the responsibility of caring for the historical documents of a diocese. An archivist serves, ultimately, as the custodian of the Church's long tradition and keeper of its memory.
This task includes collecting, preserving, arranging and describing records of enduring value which pertain to the life of the Church in this Diocese. It is also a position of service to diocesan administrators and their research.
Many such materials have been carefully stored in the Chancery archive storeroom since the inception of the Diocese in 1945. It is the archivist who maintains all materials.
Requests for Sacramental Records
Please note that the British Columbia government passed privacy legislation under the Personal Information Protection Act [PIPA 2003]. This Act includes the private sector and access to diocesan archival records must comply with the legislation.
Issuance of Sacramental Records
Personal information contained in church records is only available to the general public according to the following guidelines:
Baptisms after 100 years
Confirmations after 100 years
Marriages after 75 years
Burials after 20 years
Certificates can only be issued to the party or parties who received the sacrament of Baptism¹,Confirmation¹, Marriage or Burial² with that individual’s written permission.
¹Parents may request information for dependents
²The personal representative of the individual at the time of death or if there is no personal representative, the nearest relative of the individual may access the record after submitting a written request and representative proof.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Kamloops Diocesan Archive Directive
Please view the form listed below to make an official request.