SAA GRADE 8 INFORMATION NIGHT - Mark your calendars for Thursday, January 27th, as St. Ann’s Academy, Kamloops will be hosting an information night for families interested in having their child attend SAA for Grade 8. This is not a compulsory meeting...it is simply a chance for you to learn more about what high school looks like at St. Ann's and what to expect for your son or daughter next year. The virtual session will begin at 6:30 PM. Please feel free to share this information with ANY parent of a grade 7 student, whether they're currently at St. Ann's or not, and bring any questions you may have.
If you are planning to attend, please click on the link below to register and once you are registered, the Zoom link will be sent to you for this session.
If you have any questions please call St. Ann' Academy at 250-372-5454 (Ext. 101)
or email officeadmin@st-anns.ca